Talking about menopause, and in particular menopause symptoms, presents challenges for many women. And whilst for some women the mid-life experience of menopause can be liberating, for many it’s tough and lonely. Part of the difficulty is the stigma of this life stage, as well as the lack of knowledge around the common menopause symptoms and their emotional and physical impacts on personal and working life.
Studio Health developed and produced the podcast series ‘menopause: unmuted’ for Pfizer Women’s Health. The format for the series was created using the scientific evidence for storytelling and empathy as tools to empower and activate people to engage with their health. The series features women from ordinary walks of life (rather than the more commonly used polished patient advocates) talking candidly about their menopause journey. These real-life stories are forthright, funny and touching. Each story is book-ended by leading women’s health expert to ensure that every personal experience is grounded in the evidence, and appropriate guidance and support is provided.
This has been a flagship project for the Pfizer Women’s Health team and following an internal launch reached over 1800 team members, ahead of an external launch planned for Summer 2020.
Studio Health is excited to be leading a formal impact research project in collaboration with University of Westminster. We expect to submit for publication by end 2020.
The series is available on and from all popular podcast providers.